Womankind’s new Helpline Webchat went live on Monday 3rd June!  A ‘Chat’ button now shows on our Helpline page – click here.

There’s an article about it in the Bristol Post – see here.

Like our telephone helpline, the Webchat offers confidential support to women on any issue concerning their emotional health and well-being, including domestic and sexual violence. The Webchat can also offer information and signposting to our own face-to-face services as well as services offered by other organisations. Chats can last for up to 50 minutes.

The Webchat service is available to all women, but we particularly hope it will improve access for women who are D/deaf or hard-of-hearing, younger women, and those who are not native speakers of English.

Webchat opening hours from Monday 3rd June:

Mon 8pm-10pm
Thu & Fri 10am-12noon

Further shifts will be phased in over the following months.

Please share this post with anyone you think could benefit from the service!