Maternity, Pregnancy Loss and Abortion

Mothers for Mothers

0117 935 9366
Helpline open Mon-Fri 10am-9pm


For mothers who have suffered depression or distress after the birth of one or more babies. Provides support, information, a listening ear, phone and text helpline service, support groups, and counselling. Peer support groups are held in Staple Hill, Barton Hill, Hartcliffe, and Bedminster. This support can be offered up until the child reaches school age.

PANDAS Foundation


PANDAS is a community offering peer-to-peer support for you, your family and your network. They provide a helpline, email and text support, peer support, and support groups.

Bristol Women’s Voice


Aims to equip women with a basic knowledge of their pregnancy and maternity rights at work. Aims to provide disadvantaged women with access to information on their legal rights and help reduce financial and emotional stress caused as a result of maternity discrimination.

Maternity Action National


National organisation offering information and free advice around maternity rights, including a specialist service for women who are unsure if they have the right to access NHS maternity care.

Maternity Rights Advice Line

0808 802 0029
(10am-1pm Mon-Fri)

The Maternity Care Access Advice

0808 800 0041
(10 am-12 noon Tues-Thurs).

Health Visitor


Every family with a pre-school child (aged 0-5 years) is allocated to a Health Visitor team. Your midwife will automatically refer you to a Health Visitor. If you move to a new area – when you register with a GP, you will be given a new Health Visitor. Your Health Visitor will help you and your family to be healthy, both emotionally and physically. They will provide practical support and confidential health advice. All health visitor teams run drop-in clinics – please ask your health visitor or GP receptionist about details of where and when these are held.

Children’s Centres


Provide a range of early years and support services to local families, all year round. They are usually close to a primary school. Services can include ante-natal and post-natal care, groups, parenting and family support, and outreach services such as home visits. The link above is to a page listing the various children’s centres in the city.

Active Talk


Active Talk 1-1 sessions in a natural space with Charlie Hartley-Hodge: a walk and talk with CBT for mums with kids between 3 and 18 months. It is currently for North Bristol, but hoping to expand.

Miscarriage and Baby Loss
Miscarriage Association


 The Miscarriage Association provides support and information to anyone affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or molar pregnancy. They offer a helpline and online support groups.



Sands provides bereavement support services both nationally through its Freephone helpline, mobile app, online community and resources, and locally through a UK-wide network of around 100 regional support groups.

Bristol Miscarriage Support

Visit Facebook group:

A Branch of The Miscarriage Association, this is a local group which meets the first Tuesday of each month at Alma Church, Clifton from 7pm-9pm. The group is run by people who have personal experience of miscarriage, and aims to provide a safe environment in which those experiencing the grief of losing a pregnancy can come together to share their experiences and provide each other with mutual support. Men as well as women.

MSI Choices (formerly known as ‘Marie Stopes’)

0345 300 8090

Offering a range of abortion care services and aftercare support, including advice, treatment, counselling and a 24/7 advice line where women can talk through their options. The website also offers a lot of helpful information and the FAQs cover a range of topics from practical concerns to the stigma around abortion.

Get in touch

You can contact us via our Helpline

Telephone Helpline Opening Hours

Mon 10am-12noon / 1pm-3pm / 8pm-10pm
Tue 10am-12noon / 1pm-3pm / 8pm-10pm
Wed 10am-12noon / 1pm-3pm
Thu & Fri 10am-12noon

0345 458 2914
0117 916 6461

Webchat Opening Hours

Mon 1pm-3pm / 8pm-10pm
Tue 10am-12noon / 8pm-10pm
Thu & Fri 10am-12noon